I am developing an iOS application that mainly use a UITableView
It retrieves pages of articles from a server. We have got >25000 articles; so I have implemented a pull-to-refresh and infinite scrolling to travel across the title collection.
The ones downloaded persist using core data; NSFetchedResultsController
is used to automatically update the UITableView
However, I have implemented the infinite scrolling to be in both direction; up and down. Since the user will be allow to scroll down the 25000 article titles, I have to remove the one that the user has already scrolled. If the user scrolls up, I have to re-insert title above the current one. Doing so, I have got a moving window inside the article collection.
I display my articles by date group using the section and header.
The problem is that because the infinite scrolling goes in both direction, I often delete or add article at a higher position in the table.
Infact to achieve that, I have got to change the predicate associated to NSFetchedResultsController
This result by scroll being messed up. I have made it jump back to the position where it was supposed to be ish. It is not nice because it is a jump (animation:NO), if I put the animation ON, it goes all around the place before going back to the right position. And the position is not exactly the one it should be.
I am not sure I well explained my problem. I think the problem might be in the way I am using the UITableView
but I am not sure how I should use it to make this better.