I have a Drupal 7 website with Memcache installed, which is working fine on an Apache2 web server. Now I've replaced Apache2 with HHVM (HipHop) and got a real boost on performance.
The problem is that obviously Drupal can not interact with the Memcache server. Here is the error:
Notice: Use of undefined constant MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED - assumed 'MEMCACHE_COMPRESSED' in dmemcache_set() (line 44 of /.../modules/memcache/dmemcache.inc).
and of course nothing is stored in the Memcache.
I suppose that Drupal's Memcache module is using PECL's Memcache:set()
which is not available in this newly installed HHVM. Is there any PECL-like installation for HHVM?