Wow, this is a largely scoped question no wonder there aren't any responses. This is a massive question so I will do my very best to help. I have created many sites that include the sort/filtering of Isotope while using AJAX preload's with infinite scrolling so here is one of the simplest examples I have already written out...
First I must mention that this whole thing works much better with David DeSandro's ImagesLoaded plugin. This is mostly because it allows you to place a callback function (function to be executed once an event occurs) attached to the loading event of the final image in a given container. Wow that was wordy. How to put that better... It basically asks the container, are you done loading yet? No? How about now? You're loaded? Ok please do this function now then...
With that being implemented I would start with this code in my onLoad event like so...
$(function() {
extendJQ_PreLoad(); //I Will Get To This Function In A Min
//Use ImagesLoaded Plugin To Control Load Time Sync
$(container).imagesLoaded(function() {
itemSelector: ".box", //This is the class I use on all my images to sort
layoutMode: "masonry",
isOriginLeft: true,
isFitWidth: true,
filter: "*",
masonry: {
columnWidth: ".box"
preLoadNextImgSet(); //I Will Get To This Function In A Min
Ok so let's break this down. The ImagesLoaded plugin stops the Isotope plugin instantiation from happening before there are images present to sort/filter/load and/or handle. This is step 1. Step 2 would be to then start looking at the actual isotope plugin instantiation. I am telling it to use Masonry plugin as its layout style and then I am passing in an object literal with options under the array key 'masonry'. The array key here that is named masonry is the same as any instantiation you would have normally done in the past with the stand alone Masonry plugin (non-isotope or isotope-2).
Step 3 to look at here would be my beginning call to extendJQ_PreLoad();
. This function is the function I wrote to let JQuery know that I need to extend it's core functionality in order to capacitate preloading any images I give it, as an array. Like so...
function extendJQ_PreLoad() {
$.preloadImages = function(args) {
for (var i = 0; i < args.length; i++) {
$("<img />").attr("src", args[i]);
} //end function
This is just a simple iterator and nothing fancy, it allows the images to be preloaded by using a neat trick associated with the DOM. If you load images in this way it loads then into memory but not into the DOM meaning it is loaded and hidden. Once you then insert this image anywhere it will insert very quickly as it is now loaded in cache and awaiting placement. You can view more about this here.
Finally the last to look at is my call to my preload function. This is a very simple call to a php file that simply goes and looks for the next set of images in order, if there is any to find. If it gets some images then it begins adding it to a temporary div in memory (again not on the DOM to be seen) and is now setup for simple DOM traversal. Let's view the function to dissect its functionality...
function preLoadNextImgSet() {
$.post('AjaxController/ajaxPreload_Gallery.php', {currStart: start, currSize: loadSize}, function(data) {
if(data!="") {
var y = $(document.createElement("div")).append(data).find("a"),
found = [];
y.each(function() {
found[found.length] = "img/gallery/" + $(this).text();
} //end function
In this example I have two global variables living in my browser window from JavaScript that I would have declared. A start
and a loadSize
variable. The start
variable represents the current place in our list of images that we currently are at and the loadSize
variable sets a limit on how many images to preload each time.
Now that the variables are set and sent in to the PHP file via the $.post
function, we can use the PHP file to find the appropriate images in order and have them loaded into memory awaiting usage. Whatever is returned here to the y
variable gets iterated over by the each
function and then preloaded. Once this functions scope is exited the imaginary div will be deleted and sent to garbage as it is not used simple iterated over.
Ok, now. Its been a journey but we are almost ready to begin the final method here. Let's first go back and look at what the first imagesLoaded
call was doing now that we know the new functionality added in these functions. The imagesLoaded
call in the DOM-Ready event has a call in its very bottom piece that preloads the images.... why? This is because once the page loads and the initial images are loaded into the isotope container, we need the page to now use this idle time to begin already loading the next set. So in other words once the images are placed and sorted and happy to just sit there, the next loadSize
amount of images will be loaded and waiting for you to place them.
Now for the final function. This function is a generic function thats sole purpose is to load in the current preloaded images into the DOM officially and then to ask for the next set to be loaded. However what on earth would be calling this function? This is where the lazyloading or infinitescroll becomes useful to us. Somewhere in your page you need to add this function in...
scrollTop = $(window).scrollTop(),
windowHeight = $(window).height(),
docuHeight = $(document).height();
//AJAX Data Pull
if(((scrollTop + windowHeight)+35) >= docuHeight){
This function is the magic function that allows the infinitescroll effect to occur. I have added 35 pixels or so of padding (the +35 randomly in my code) because sometimes you want it to load close to the end of the page but not quite the actual end of the page.
Ok so now that this is setup when we reach the end of the page this function will want to get all of the next images generically like we had mentioned. The function of mine looks like this...
function getNextImages() {
cont = $(container);
$.post('AjaxController/ajaxPortfolio_Gallery.php', {currStart: start, currSize: loadSize}, function(data) {
if(data!="") {
//Append New Photos Inside <a> Element Tag
var y = $(document.createElement("div")).append(data).find("a");
//Fix Image Layouts
cont.imagesLoaded(function() {
//Feed Isotope Layout The New Items
cont.isotope("appended", y);
} else { unFilled = false; }
I have included the unFilled
variable simply so that there is a flag that can be set when you have reached the end of the images. You don't want it to keep trying to load forever if there are no images left to show.
Ok, so. This is a lot of information so I will try to keep answering as much as possible.
. Method1 can use.done
instead of.then
. Method1 and method2 do two completely different things with two completely different results. The one you use should be based on which result you want. One isn't better or cleaner than the other, just different. – Plead