There is an awesome package which will do the searching of packages for you called TotalUninstaller by Codeplex user konste.
Download the package and unpack it to e.g. C:\TotalUninstaller.
It is a commandline program, you need a cmd.exe with administator privileges (click start -> enter "cmd" -> right click on the entry -> select "start as administrator"). Navigate to the directory via
c: && cd \ && cd TotalUninstaller
In order to list all installed packages you would enter
TotalUninstaller.exe /ListAll > list.txt
This can be an overwhelming list, so i used a pipe so the content can be viewed with an editor (just open list.txt).
But this is actually not really needed, as there is a file called "TotalUninstaller.exe.config" which features a section where one can define keywords to filter the installed packages by. It comes with a quite handy default set.
In order to view the selection after the filter was applied, enter
TotalUninstaller.exe /Filter
Those are the packages that the program currently would remove. If you are happy with the selection, enter the following, THERE WILL BE NO FURTHER CHECK OR QUESTION
TotalUninstaller.exe /Uninstall
and watch the packages disappear. Id close all other applications prior to the last call.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Microsoft SDKs\F#\3.1\Framework\v4.0\Fsi.exe
on my computer, but no item in control panel to uninstall it. – Puny