I am creating a graph with manually positioned nodes and use the splines="curved" type of edges between them.
digraph graphname {
node[shape = box, margin="0.03,0.03", fontsize=11, height=0.1, width=0.1, fixedsize=false];
"LeftFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-150,-150!"];
"RightFoot\nRightHand" [pos="-90,-150!"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot" [pos="0,-150!"];
edge[style = solid,fontsize=11];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":n -> "RightFoot\nRightHand":n [label = "3", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
"LeftFoot\nRightFoot":s -> "LeftFoot\nRightHand":s [label = "7", penwidth = 1, color = "red"];
The problem is that one of the edges is bent to the wrong side, so it passes through a node:
Is there an easy way to fix this, like e.g. "bend left" or "bend right" in TikZ?
I tried to use the pos attribute on the edge to set a spline control point to change the bend, however this does not appear to change the edge at all.