What's the deal with SeekBarPreference? Let me expand...
If I put a SeekBarPreference in my PreferenceScreen xml, it works fine (I can run it on phone and emulator), but Android Studio reports `Element SeekBarPreference is not allowed here. Simple XML which shows this:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PreferenceScreen xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" >
android:defaultValue="4" />
If I try to extend SeekBarPreference (which is what I really want to do), Android Studio Cannot resolve symbol SeekBarPreference
both at the import
and at the extends
. Simple Java file to show this:
import android.preference.SeekBarPreference;
public class FontSizePreference extends SeekBarPreference {}
(Also happens if I just use SeekBarPreference sbp;
in code.)
The source code for SeekBarPreference is in /Sdk/sources/android-22/android/preference
, just like EditTextPreference. I don't see anything special about it.
I can't find any documentation at developer.android.com about it, though.
What nugget of information am I missing? What's special about this compared with, say, EditTextPreference, which I can include in XMLs and extend and use in code without problems?