You can codesign the app without using xcode. The following bash script allows you to do that. You need you developer id Application which you can find in your keychain access app.
You have to change the directory after versions to the directory that you have, depending on the version of nw.js that you are using
identity="Developer ID Application: youridentiy... (some number)"
rm -f "$app/Icon^M"
rm -r -f "$app/.idea"
echo "### signing libraries"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Framework.framework/Libraries/"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Framework.framework/libffmpeg.dylib"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Framework.framework/libnode.dylib"
echo "### signing frameworks"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Framework.framework/nwjs Framework"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Framework.framework/Helpers/crashpad_handler"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Helper"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/Versions/60.0.3112.113/nwjs Framework.framework/helpers/crashpad_handler"
echo "### sing osx folder"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app/Contents/MacOS/nwjs"
echo "### signing app"
codesign --force --verify --sign "$identity" "$app"
echo "### verifying signature"
codesign -vv -d "$app"
argument? – Levinamyapp.pkg
file. Few users approved the same issue:( – Gerent