Thank you for providing help. I have a site that can authenticate with Active Directory Federated Services for Single Sign On. Currently, the way my site works is that, by default, when a user hits my site, my code attempts to log then into SSO (I use the OWIN library for this). If the user is not on our network, it fails to authenticate, and they are redirected to my companies login page, where they can provide their company credentials.
I would like to change this behavior, though. Instead, when the user hits my page, if they authenticate, it should continue as normal and they should be redirected to my site. But, if they do not authenticate, I do not want them redirected to our login page. instead, I want them to be redirected back to my site, where my code will determine what they can and cannot do on the site. I then would want to provide a link, so that they could decide to go to the login page.
I want this behavior because the majority of users of this site will not be a part of the companies network and will not be able to authenticate. SO, they should, by default, just see our home page. But, there may be times when a company member might be working from home, so wont be on our network to auto authenticate. In this case, they would then use the link that sends them to the Azure login page.
Here is the code that I am currently using (site is, form web page (not MVC)):
Partial Public Class Startup
Dim appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
Private realm As String
Private aadInstance As String
Private tenant As String
Private metadata As String
Private authority As String
Public Sub ConfigureAuth(app As IAppBuilder)
Dim appSettings = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings
If (appSettings("releaseVersion") = "DEBUG") Then
realm = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("test_ida:RPIdentifier")
aadInstance = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("test_ida:AADInstance")
tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("test_ida:Tenant")
ElseIf (appSettings("releaseVersion") = "PROD") Then
realm = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ida:RPIdentifier")
aadInstance = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ida:AADInstance")
tenant = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings("ida:Tenant")
End If
metadata = String.Format("{0}/FederationMetadata/2007-06/FederationMetadata.xml", aadInstance)
authority = String.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, aadInstance, tenant)
app.UseCookieAuthentication(New CookieAuthenticationOptions())
Dim authOption As WsFederationAuthenticationOptions = New WsFederationAuthenticationOptions()
Dim fn = Function(context)
context.Response.Redirect("Home/Error?message=" + context.Exception.Message)
Return Task.FromResult(0)
End Function
Dim auth_not As WsFederationAuthenticationNotifications = New WsFederationAuthenticationNotifications() With {
.AuthenticationFailed = fn
Dim auth_opt As WsFederationAuthenticationOptions = New WsFederationAuthenticationOptions() With {
.Wtrealm = realm,
.MetadataAddress = metadata,
.Notifications = auth_not
If (Not auth_opt.Wtrealm Is Nothing) Then
End If
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End Sub
End Class
Then, on my Default.aspx.vb page load event, I do this:
If (Not Request.IsAuthenticated) Then
Dim newAuth As AuthenticationProperties = New AuthenticationProperties()
newAuth.RedirectUri = "/"
HttpContext.Current.GetOwinContext().Authentication.Challenge(newAuth, WsFederationAuthenticationDefaults.AuthenticationType)
Catch ex As Exception
Throw ex
End Try
End If
The problem is, I do not know how to attempt to authenticate the user, determine if they are authenticated, and redirect them accordingly. Any help would be greatly appreciated.
attribute over your controller) and have all other pages that require authentication redirect to yet another login page in your site. There, have few options (links) users choose from on their own: login with Azure, login with username/password, login with another provider etc. – Somervillewindow.postMessage
to indicate a succesfull auth when loaded. Then you have the main page that doesn't require any auth but you put this additional page in an iframe of 1x1 (so that it's not visible to the user). And the main page listens tomessage
event to catch the succesfull auth from the iframe. Whenever you catch it, you can force/start the authentication as you are guaranteed it will succeed. – Somervillewindow.postMessage
part is just a standard way of communication between an app and an inframe hosted inside, nothing fancy so that code examples can be as simple as the official docs. However, if you feel this is a possible direction, I can rewrite this cleaner and make an answer out of this concise comment. – Somerville