I created a partitioned table:
create table t1 ( amount double) partitioned by ( events_partition_key string) stored as paquet;
added some data to tmp_table, where column 'events_partition_key' contains timestamp (string type) in the following format: "2018-02-25 00:00:00"
Then I insert some data into the partitioned table.
insert into table t1 partition (events_partition_key)
select amount, events_partition_key
from tmp_table
when selecting from the new partitioned table t1, in some cases events_partition_key column is presented regularly the same it appeared in tmp_table i.e. "2018-02-25 00:00:00", but in most cases, it appears URL-encoded, i.e. "2018-02-25 00%3A00%3A00"
In any case, the original column partition_key has no difference in cases where it was URL-encoded or not,
when showing partitions for the new table:
show partitions t1;
I got everything URL-encoded twice (i.e. "2018-02-25 00%253A00%253A00"), but some cases it was only once (i.e. "2018-02-25 00%3A00%3A00")
there is nothing wrong in the original values, only after it has become a partition key.