I am using thymeleaf as my template engin to map XHTML to HTML and flying saucer to generate a pdf file afterwards.
Now i failed to display my static images located at /src/main/resources/ inside y generated pdf file. The file itsself will be displayed fine only images disapear.
Even other locations like /src/main/resources/static or /src/main/resources/public didnt help.
My HTML / XHTML looks like:
<img src="images/logo_black.png"></img>
<img src="/images/logo_black.png"></img>
<img alt="mastercard" th:src="@{classpath:static/images/logo_black.png}" />
<div data-src="images/logo_black.png"></div>
<div data-src="/images/logo_black.png"></div>
<div data-src="@{classpath:static/images/logo_black.png}"></div>
none of them is working properly.
The Images itself are visible by localhost:8048/logo_black.png
I dont want to refer my images with a full url (http://...)