My solution just works for production:
In production, your application could not get your PC's environment variable. So, when you create mainWindow in main.js, you should read environment variables and pass it to process.env variable. After you relaunch the application, it will reload env again as you expected.
Library in use:
import shellEnv from 'shell-env';
import os from 'os';
import shellPath from 'shell-path';
const isDevelopment = process.env.NODE_ENV === 'development';
function createMainWindow() {
mainWindow = new BrowserWindow({
webPreferences: {
nodeIntegration: true,
width: 800,
height: 1000,
// ...
if (!isDevelopment) {
// TODO: if we're running from the app package, we won't have access to env vars
// normally loaded in a shell, so work around with the shell-env module
// TODO: get current os shell
const { shell } = os.userInfo();
const decoratedEnv = shellEnv.sync(shell);
process.env = { ...process.env, ...decoratedEnv };
console.log('DEBUG process.env', process.env);
// TODO: If we're running from the app package, we won't have access to env variable or PATH
// TODO: So we need to add shell-path to resolve problem
// ...
After relaunching the application, the environment variables will be updated.
Notice: Without check !isDevelopment
, after relaunching, the application won't be displayed. I have no idea.
package, but it uses` process.env.PATH` to discover the paths. – Speak