I am using barryvdh laravel dompdf for rendering pdf from html view in laravel 5.7. It was working fine but when the view exceeds to more than 2 pages it cuts the page and does not print the third page. However if i copy all the page data and paste it somewhere else the who content is pasted which means the content is there somehow but not showing.
This issue was also mentioned in the github repository but was not answered by anyone.
I am using Laravel 5.7
This is code :
$pdf = PDF::loadview('emails.send-email.case-email-pdf', compact('pdf_data'));
$file_name = 'case-email-'.$data['case_id'].str_random(10).time().'.pdf';
on these divs. Playing around with the page breaks helped me multiple times when being stuck in domPDF with weird behaviors. – Ess