I am developing a finite element software that minimizes the energy of a mechanical structure. Using octave and its optim package, I run into a strange issue: The lm_feasible algorithm doesn't calculate at all when I use more than 300 degrees of freedom (DoF). Another algorithm (sqp) performs the calculation but doesn't work well when I complexify the structure and are out of my test case.
Is there a limit in the number of DoF with lm_feasible algorithm?
If so, how many DoF are maximally possible?
To give an overview and general idea of how the code works:
[x,y] = geometryGenerator()
U = zeros(lenght(x)*2,1);
U(1:2:end-1) = x;
U(2:2:end) = y;
%Non geometric argument are not optimised, and fixed during calculation
fct =@(U)complexFunctionOfEnergyIWrap(U(1:2:end-1),U(2:2:end), variousMaterialPropertiesAndOtherArgs)
para = optimset("f_equc_idx",contEq,"lb",lb,"ub",ub,"objf_grad",dEne,"objf_hessian",d2Ene,"MaxIter",1000);
[U,eneFinale,cvg,outp] = nonlin_min(fct,U,para)
Full example:
pkg load optim
function [x,y] = geometryGenerator(r,elts = 100)
teta = linspace(0,pi,elts = 100);
x = r * cos(teta);
y = r * sin(teta);
function ene = complexFunctionOfEnergyIWrap (x,y,E,P, X,Y)
ene = 0;
for i = 1:length(x)-1
ene += E*(x(i)/X(i))^4+ E*(y(i)/Y(i))^4- P *(x(i)^2+(x(i+1)^2)-x(i)*x(i+1))*abs(y(i)-y(i+1));
[x,y] = geometryGenerator(5,100)
%Little distance from axis to avoid division by zero
x +=1e-6;
y +=1e-6;
%Saving initial geometry
X = x;
Y = y;
%Vectorisation of the function
%% Initial vector
U = zeros(length(x)*2,1);
U(1:2:end-1) = linspace(min(x),max(x),length(x));
U(2:2:end) = linspace(min(y),max(y),length(y));
Aeq = zeros(3,length(U));
%%% Blocked bottom
Aeq(1,1) = 1;
Aeq(2,2) = 1;
%%% Sliding top
Aeq(3,end-1) = 1;
%%%Initial condition
beq = zeros(3,1);
beq(1) = U(1);
beq(2) = U(2);
beq(3) = U(end-1);
contEq = @(U) Aeq * U - beq;
Mat = 0.2e9;
pressure = 50;
%% Vectorized function. Non geometric argument are not optimised, and fixed during calculation
fct =@(U)complexFunctionOfEnergyIWrap(U(1:2:end-1),U(2:2:end), Mat, pressure, X, Y)
para = optimset("Algorithm","lm_feasible","f_equc_idx",contEq,"MaxIter",1000);
[U,eneFinale,cvg,outp] = nonlin_min(fct,U,para)
xFinal = U(1:2:end-1);
yFinal = U(2:2:end);
plot(x,y,';Initial geo;',xFinal,yFinal,'--x;Final geo;')