I have implemented the latest version of Room in my KMP project (roomCommon = "2.7.0-alpha06"
). The new version change the instantiation setup for a RoomDatabase in a KMP project
Now we have to implement RoomDatabaseConstructor
So that's my database file on commonMain
import androidx.room.ConstructedBy
import androidx.room.Database
import androidx.room.RoomDatabase
import androidx.room.RoomDatabaseConstructor
import data.database.dao.UserPreferencesDAO
import data.database.entities.UserPreferencesEntity
const val DATABASE_NAME = "app_database.db"
expect object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase>
@Database(entities = [UserPreferencesEntity::class], version = 1)
abstract class AppDatabase : RoomDatabase(), DB {
abstract fun getDao(): UserPreferencesDAO
override fun clearAllTables(): Unit {}
interface DB {
fun clearAllTables(): Unit {}
Them, after that I have implemented my actual functions on androidMain
and iosMain
actual object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase> {
override fun initialize(): AppDatabase {
return getDatabase()
fun getDatabase(): AppDatabase {
return Room.databaseBuilder<AppDatabase>(name = DATABASE_NAME).setDriver(BundledSQLiteDriver())
actual object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase>{
private val appContext = RickMortyApp.context
override fun initialize(): AppDatabase {
val dbFile = appContext.getDatabasePath(DATABASE_NAME)
return Room.databaseBuilder<AppDatabase>(appContext, dbFile.absolutePath)
The problem is when I build the code I get a autogenerated class
public actual object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase> {
override fun initialize(): AppDatabase = `data`.database.AppDatabase_Impl()
And my Actual/Expected classes start to fail with the next message:
project/composeApp/build/generated/ksp/metadata/commonMain/kotlin/data/database/MyDatabaseCtor.kt:5:22 'actual object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase>' has no corresponding expected declaration
**Error 2:**
actual object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase>
**Error 3:**
/composeApp/src/androidMain/kotlin/data/database/Database.android.kt:13:15 'actual object MyDatabaseCtor : RoomDatabaseConstructor<AppDatabase>' has no corresponding expected declaration
I tried to clean project to remove de autogenerated class but after compile is the same error class.
, that error disappears – Vltava