I have a problem with this separator:
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<shape xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" android:shape="rectangle" >
<padding android:left="10dip" android:right="10dip"/>
<solid android:color="@color/listSeparator"/>
<size android:height="1px" />
I'm trying to make a little margin/padding in the left/right of the listview component (using a relative on it , not a ListView Object) . Then when i try to put it this way...
... it's directly ignored , putting a full layout separator .
Now i don't know what is the problem , but i know that :
- I can't put a margin in all ListView , cause i want the listHeader fill_parent
- I have tried to put a false border , but it isn't nice looking when i change it's background color , putting me a separator space.
Any idea?
My last partial solution is to put an ImageView , aligned next to the parent bottom . This is partial cause it puts on the bottom but not on the original divider.
If someone can tell me how to put that ImageView on the exact line of the divider, i would give him the +50 too.