I have a form in an application written using FireMonkey. On that (modal) form there's an OK button for which I have set Default property to True. There's also a memo component. Now if type press enter while typing in the memo, then the form is closed instead of inserting line break into memo.
What I would like to accomplish, is that when enter (or shift+enter or smth like that) is pressed in memo component, then line break is enter. In other components, where you cannot type line breaks, I would still like hitting enter to close the form. The best I have found thus far is adding following code into forms OnCloseQuery action:
if (Focused.GetObject.ClassName = 'TMemo') and (ModalResult = mrOk) then
CanClose := False;
Memo := TMemo(Focused.GetObject);
Memo.InsertAfter(Memo.CaretPosition, sLineBreak, [TInsertOption.ioMoveCaret,
CanClose := True;
This works, but there's now there's a small annoying delay after hitting enter and before the line break appears. Also I would like solution, that would be less hacky.
I should also point out, that I also have forms which contain the OK button, but not the memo component, however a memo will be moved to that form at runtime by changing its parent property.
before changing Memo content andMemo.Lines.EndUpdate;
after that. – PresleyOnClick
event, test if the memo is focused and setModalResult
to mrNone if that is the case. – Damar