I would like to know which product of google written in GWT uses UiBinder. This would allow me to highlight the use case of UiBinder for our team/management.
I am aware of following list of Google Products that use GWT. Which one uses UiBinder?
AdWords - http://google.com/adwords
AdSense - http://google.com/adsense
Flights - http://flights.google.com
Hotel Finder - http://www.google.com/hotelfinder
Offers - https://www.google.com/offers
Wallet - http://wallet.google.com
The New Blogger - http://www.blogger.com/
Chrome Webstore - https://chrome.google.com/webstore (Closure, but embeds GWT checkout code)
Product Search - http://www.google.com/prdhp?hl=en&tab=mf
Public Data - http://www.google.com/publicdata/home
New Google Groups - http://groups.google.com
Orkut - http://www.orkut.com
Google Health (discontinued)
Google Wave (discontinued)
PlayN (basis of Angry Birds)
Google Takeout - https://www.google.com/takeout/#custom
Google Pagespeed - https://developers.google.com/pagespeed/
Google WebFonts - http://www.google.com/webfonts
Google Tables - https://www.google.com/fusiontables/DataSource?dsrcid=2049253
Google Merchants - http://www.google.com/merchants