When calling C++ algorithms like copy_if, transform etc which take a unary or binary function as the last argument, can I pass a C library function like atoi or tolower.
For e.g. below calls work fine and give the correct output (tried in ideone)
1) transform (foo, foo+5, bar, atoi);
2) transform (foo, foo+5, bar, ptr_fun(atoi));
3) transform(s.begin(),s.end(),s.begin(), static_cast<int (*)(int)>(tolower));
Is this usage guaranteed to work with all C++ compilers ?
The book thinking in C++ mentions "This works with some compilers, but it is not required to." The reason mentioned is (as I understand it) transform is C++ function and expects its last argument to have same calling convention.
The book also suggests a solution for this problem which is to create a wrapper function like this in a separate cpp file and do not include iostreams header file.
// tolower_wrapper.cpp
string strTolower(string s) {
transform(s.begin(), s.end(), s.begin(), tolower);
return s;
This works fine, but I did not understand how this resolves the calling convention issue ? transform is still a c++ function and tolower is still a C function in the strTolower, so how this different calling conventions are handled here.
transform(begin(s), end(s), begin(s), [](char c){ return tolower(c); });
– Fomalhaut