I am using app indexing in my app but sometimes it is not receiving correctly the intents from Chrome.
If I open the link from my production website, it is opened by chrome. So I have created a testing site which has the same code. However, in this case, my app is opening the deep link correctly.
I can't find any explanation as it is using the same code in the web (but in diferent sites) and the same Android app.
This is my intent-filter:
<intent-filter android:autoVerify="true">
<action android:name="android.intent.action.VIEW" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.DEFAULT" />
<category android:name="android.intent.category.BROWSABLE" />
<data android:scheme="https" android:host="soriabus-web.appspot.com" android:pathPrefix="/" />
This is the html code in my button:
<a href="https://soriabus-web.appspot.com/parada/1/plaza-mariano-granados/true"
class="btn btn-primary">
Abrir Soria Bus
If I open the link in this address (production), it opens Play Store (the end of the link is a redirect to Google Play):
If I open the link in this other address (test), it opens my app correclty:
I don't understand why the links are handled differenty. Thank you.
Is it because I am following a link inside the same site?
https://soriabus-web.appspot.com/parada/1/plaza-mariano-granados => https://soriabus-web.appspot.com/parada/1/plaza-mariano-granados/playstore