In React Navigation, deep linking can be utilized by passing uriPrefix
prop to the top level navigator, or by passing {containerOptions: {URIPrefix: PREFIX}}
as a second parameter to a built-in navigator (e.g. StackNavigator
When Redux is integrated with React Navigation, the top level navigator is passed a navigation
But, when enabling both Redux and and deep linking on a RN app. uriPrefix
and navigation
prop both need to be passed to a top level navigator, which throws an error,
This navigator has both navigation and container props, so it is unclear if it should own its own state.
const S1 = () => <View><Text>S1 text</Text></View>;
const S2 = () => <View><Text>S2 text</Text></View>;
const S3 = () => <View><Text>S3 text</Text></View>;
const AppNav = StackNavigator(
S1: {screen: S1, path: 's1'},
S2: {screen: S2, path: 's2'},
S3: {screen: S3, path: 's3'}
@connect(state => ({nav: state.nav}))
class App extends Component {
render() {
{ dispatch, nav } = this.props,
uriPrefix = Platform.OS == 'android' ? 'http://localhost/' : 'http://';
return (
navigation={addNavigationHelpers({dispatch: this.props.dispatch, state: this.props.nav})}
const navReducer = (state, action) => (AppNav.router.getStateForAction(action, state) || state);
const rootReducer = combineReducers({nav: navReducer});
const RootApp = props =>
<Provider store={createStore(rootReducer)}>
<App />
export default RootApp;
How can Redux and deep linking (using React Navigation) both be integrated in a RN app?