I have a custom validator which I use to ensure that some business rules are applied on an entity before it is saved.
For example (a hypothetical one), when ProductPrice
, defined below, is saved, I validate that the fromDate and endDate for a given product (identified by productId) does not have overlaps with existing ProductPrice
rows for that product in the DB.
class ProductPrice {
Long productId;
Date fromDate;
Date toDate;
This works fine as long as the ProductPrice
is saved as an individual entity. Once that entity is added as a One-To-Many relationship in another entity, as below,
class Product {
List<ProductPrice> productPrices;
When the parent (Product) entity is updated (for save it works fine), along with some changes in the child entities (one or more ProductPrice in the List), then it fails as saving of one instance of the ProductPrice in the List does not know anything about the ProductPrice that are going to be saved next.
Detailed Explanation:
Suppose there are two ProducePrice
rows in the DB for a given Product
as below:
Id Product Id From Date To Date Price
1 PRD-001 01-01-2016 10-06-106 29.99
2 PRD-001 11-06-2016 10-12-106 32.99
Suppose I want to update both the rows (ProductPrice
) as part of Product
entity to below values:
Id Product Id From Date To Date Price
1 PRD-001 01-01-2016 30-06-106 29.99
2 PRD-001 01-07-2016 31-12-106 32.99
The above data is still valid, but the hibernate validator will fail. That is because when saving the first row if I query the database to check the fromDate
and toDate
of existing rows, then it will overlap with 2nd row existing in the database. But that is not correct since, the second row is also about to be updated with valid values. It could be also possible that, there are 3 rows in the table and I am updating only 2 of them in the current transaction, 3rd one is untouched. So it is important that I have to query the database in the validator to check the validity.
Too long a question, and I might not be clear in explaining the problem. But to conclude, is it possible to query the current persistence context and get the data that is dirty (about to be saved)?