I'm building a Shiny app with a plot_ly
scatter plot. I'm using a SharedData
object (from the crosstalk package) to share information between the plot and a datatable
(from DT).
The problem is when you click a point in the plot it dims the color of all of the other points and adds an entry to the legend for the selected point, and once this happens there doesn't seem to be a way to undo it. I would like to disable these visual changes but still be able to detect plot clicks.
This issue does not occur if I just use a reactive data.frame
instead of a SharedData
object in the data parameter of the plot_ly
call, but then the event_data
from the plot doesn't have enough information to select a row in the datatable
. (The x
and y
point coordinates are floating point numeric, so matching by coordinates against the data can have unexpected results.)
Here's a demo using mtcars
### UI function ---------
ui <- fluidPage(
plotlyOutput('my_graph', height = '400px')
### Server function -------
server <- function(input, output, session) {
### SharedData object ----
filtered_data <- reactive({
data.table(mtcars, keep.rownames = TRUE)
shared_data <- reactive({
SharedData$new(filtered_data(), ~rn)
### my_graph ----
output$my_graph <- renderPlotly({
p <- plot_ly(shared_data(),
x = ~disp,
y = ~mpg,
color = ~factor(carb),
source = 'm')
### my_table ---------
output$my_table <- renderDataTable({
selection = 'single')
click_detect = plotly::event_data('plotly_hover', source = 'm')
dataTableProxy('my_table') %>%
selectRows(match(click_detect$key, shared_data()$data()$rn))
shinyApp(ui, server)
instead of aSharedData
object. This is my first bounty offer so I'm a little unsure of the protocol here. I may need to check SO meta, but for now I'll award the bounty but still hold out for an answer that directly addresses allowing use of theSharedData
object and just disable the visual response of the plot clicks, rather than the workaround. Thank you! – Knowhow