I have a ruby script to generate a pdf document with some text. The text contains emojis in it.
The problem with the first line of text is that it prints the three emojis separated by something that looks like a cross when they should be a single emoji(family of three members).
The problem with the second line is that it just prints a square instead of the intended emoji(shush face). I've tried with some other fonts but it still won't work. These are the fonts:
I can't find the problem
Is there anything missing?
Am I doing something wrong?
The gems are installed and the fonts are in the right place
require "prawn"
require "prawn/emoji"
require "prawn/measurement_extensions"
$pdf = Prawn::Document.new(:page_size => [200.send(:mm),200], :margin => 0)
$pdf.font "./resources/Montserrat-Medium.ttf"
st = "\u{1F468}\u200D\u{1F469}\u200D\u{1F466}".encode("UTF-8")
$pdf.draw_text st,:at => [10, 100]
$pdf.draw_text st2,:at => [10, 80]
$pdf.render_file "test.pdf"
. For example, this works in ruby 2.1.8:st2="\u{1F62F}".encode("UTF-8")
– Lecky"\u{1F92B}"
for the shushing face. Perhaps the font doesn't support that glyph? – LeckyMontserrat-Medium
. You wrote you tested withDejaVuSans
. Does your font exist? – Regular