I had done my first ever app by using Visual Studio 2019 - cross platform Xamarin C#. The app is running well. Now, I want to compile it to apk file so that I can install it to the mobile phone manually. I did change the debug to release, and then right click from the android file and choose Archive. But, there is an error as below:
The preprocessor token 'rootnamespace' has been given more than one value. Choosing 'Calculator.Droid' as the value.
The preprocessor token 'assemblyname' has been given more than one value. Choosing 'Calculator.Android' as the value.
The preprocessor token 'fullpath' has been given more than one value. Choosing 'D:\Calculator\Calculator\Calculator.Android' as the value.
The preprocessor token 'outputfilename' has been given more than one value. Choosing 'Calculator.Android.dll' as the value.
The preprocessor token 'filename' has been given more than one value. Choosing 'Calculator.Android.csproj' as the value.
MSB4094: "obj\Release\81\Calculator.Android.dll;obj\Release\81\Calculator.Android.dll" is an invalid value for the "OutputAssembly" parameter of the "Csc" task. Multiple items cannot be passed into a parameter of type "Microsoft.Build.Framework.ITaskItem".
for rootnamespace, assemblyname, etc...? – BiomeSDK Assemblies Only
in android, you could refer to this link.learn.microsoft.com/en-us/xamarin/android/deploy-test/… – Jerusalem