I am trying to upgrade my project from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage v9 (deprecated) to latest sdk Azure.Storage.Blobs v12.
My issue (post-upgrade) is accessing the ContentHash property.
Pre-upgrade steps:
- upload file to blob
- get MD5 hash of uploaded file provided by
from Microsoft.WindowsAzure.Storage.Blob - compare the calculated MD5 hash with the one retrieved from azure
Post-upgrade attempts to access the MD5 hash that Azure is calculating on its side:
calling this method
looking at the BlobContentInfo
both return ContentHash is null. (see my later Question to see why)
One huge difference I've noticed is that with older sdk I could tell to the storage client to use MD5 computing like this:
CloudBlobClient cloudBlobClient = _cloudStorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
cloudBlobClient.DefaultRequestOptions.StoreBlobContentMD5 = true;
So I was expecting to find something similar to StoreBlobContentMD5 on the latest sdk but I couldn't.
Can anyone help me find a solution for this problem?
Edit 1: I did a test and in azure storage I do not have a MD5 hash
Upload code:
var container = _blobServiceClient.GetBlobContainerClient(containerName);
var blob = container.GetBlobClient(blobPath);
BlobHttpHeaders blobHttpHeaders = null;
if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(fileContentType))
blobHttpHeaders = new BlobHttpHeaders()
ContentType = fileContentType,
StorageTransferOptions storageTransferOption = new StorageTransferOptions()
MaximumConcurrency = 2,
var blobResponse = await blob.UploadAsync(stream, blobHttpHeaders, null, null, null, null, storageTransferOption, default);
return blob.GetProperties();
There is not much difference between old upload code and new one apart from using new classes from new sdk.
The main difference remains the one I already stated, I can not find an equivalent setting in new sdk for StoreBlobContentMD5 . I think this is the problem. I need to set the storage client to compute MD5 hash, as I did with old sdk.
Edit 2: For download I can do something like this:
var properties = blob.GetProperties();
var download = await blob.DownloadAsync(range: new HttpRange(0, properties.Value.ContentLength), rangeGetContentHash: true);
By using this definition of DownloadAsync I can force MD5 hash to be calculated and it can be found in download.Value.ContentHash
: learn.microsoft.com/en-us/rest/api/storageservices/… – UnreasonfileContentType
? I did a quick test with the v12.4.4 package, and the content md5 is auto-generated and can be read. – Makassar