I tried to implement wide angle option for my in-app camera using CameraX api but ran into an issue - CameraControl.setZoomRatio
allows to set zoom between ZoomState.getMinZoomRatio()
and ZoomState.getMaxZoomRatio()
, where on phones I tested it minZoomRatio
is 1.0f
. The same phone supports zoom down to 0.5f
in system camera.
Current snippets how I initialize the camera:
private var camera: Camera? = null
private var imageCapture: ImageCapture? = null
private fun startCamera() {
val cameraProviderFuture = ProcessCameraProvider.getInstance(this)
val cameraProvider: ProcessCameraProvider = cameraProviderFuture.get()
val preview = Preview.Builder()
.also {
imageCapture = ImageCapture.Builder()
val cameraSelector = CameraSelector.DEFAULT_BACK_CAMERA
try {
camera = cameraProvider.bindToLifecycle(
this, cameraSelector, preview, imageCapture
} catch (exc: Exception) {
Current pinch to zoom implementation:
val scaleGestureDetector = ScaleGestureDetector(this,
object : ScaleGestureDetector.SimpleOnScaleGestureListener() {
override fun onScale(detector: ScaleGestureDetector): Boolean {
val camera = camera ?: return false
val zoomState = camera.cameraInfo.zoomState.value ?: return false
val scale = zoomState.zoomRatio * detector.scaleFactor
val finalScale =
scale.coerceIn(MIN_ZOOM, MAX_ZOOM).coerceIn(zoomState.minZoomRatio, zoomState.maxZoomRatio)
return true
binding.viewFinder.setOnTouchListener { view, event ->
return@setOnTouchListener true
My question is it possible to use wide angle camera (or achieve 0.5f
zoom) using CameraX api, or do I have to rewrite whole implementation using Camera2.
is always1.0
. I ended with having button in my camera screen that switches between normal camera and wide lens camera (if phone allows access to wide lens camera, which isn't always the case). I'll post my camera selector as answer. – Stokehole