I am trying to implement AjaxControlToolkit NoBot but I always get false from IsValid()
method (the state value is always InvalidBadResponse). Am I missing something here?
ASCX code:
// buttons, textboxes etc.
<asp:NoBot ID="NoBot1"
Code behind:
protected void Button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
AjaxControlToolkit.NoBotState state;
if (!NoBot1.IsValid(out state))
Page page = HttpContext.Current.Handler as Page;
ScriptManager.RegisterStartupScript(page, page.GetType(), "err_msg", "alert('" + " BOT " + "');", true);
{ ...}
Far more weird is this: I enter data for login and click on asp button. NoBot state is InvalidBadResponse
and it fails. But, then I click on browser's refresh button it asks me to resend request I say ok and now state is valid! Why?