I want to use FTS in my iOS project. Through some answers to questions here on SO (like this) and other sources (like this), i understood that i will have to roll out my own built of sqlite3 on iOS, thus replacing the dependency to default libsqlite3.dylib.
But when i directly run the query (in a new project, with just the standard 'libsqlite3.dylib' linked and no custom sqlite build) :
"SELECT rowid FROM pages WHERE textcontent MATCH 'jim';"
on a table 'pages' created by using query :
"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pages USING fts3(textcontent TEXT)",
I dont get any errors, instead, i get the correct result (rowid of the rows in which the word 'jim' exists) as if the FTS is enabled by defalt in the built-in iOS sqlite library .
So, is this the case? Has apple now enabled FTS in the standard/built-in sqlite library? Or there is something that i am missing here?
PS. I am using FMDB in my project as an sqlite wrapper and here is the code that i use to test the above.
NSArray *paths = NSSearchPathForDirectoriesInDomains(NSDocumentDirectory , NSUserDomainMask, YES);
NSString *documentsDir = [paths objectAtIndex:0];
NSString *dbDocumentsPath = [documentsDir stringByAppendingPathComponent:@"1.db"];
FMDatabase *db = [FMDatabase databaseWithPath:dbDocumentsPath];
if (![db open])
NSLog(@"Could not open db.");
if([db executeUpdate:@"CREATE VIRTUAL TABLE pages USING fts3(textcontent TEXT)"])
NSLog(@"Virtual Table Created");
if([db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO pages(textcontent) VALUES ('Jack')"])
NSLog(@"First Insert Done");
if([db executeUpdate:@"INSERT INTO pages(textcontent) VALUES ('jim is jam')"])
NSLog(@"Second Insert Done");
FMResultSet* resultSet1 = [db executeQuery:@"SELECT rowid FROM pages WHERE textcontent MATCH 'jim';"];
while([resultSet1 next])
NSLog(@"%@",[resultSet1 objectForColumnName:@"rowid"]);