Cake pattern doesn't solve this problem in its original form. You have several choices how to deal with that. The solution I prefer is to create each "robot leg" by calling its constructor with appropriate parameter - code shows that better, than words.
I think the answer cited above is more readable, but if you are already familiar with Jonas' example, here is how you'd make Warmer configurable with an orientation:
// =======================
// service interfaces
trait OnOffDeviceComponent {
val onOff: OnOffDevice
trait OnOffDevice {
def on: Unit
def off: Unit
trait SensorDeviceComponent {
val sensor: SensorDevice
trait SensorDevice {
def isCoffeePresent: Boolean
// =======================
// service implementations
trait OnOffDeviceComponentImpl extends OnOffDeviceComponent {
class Heater extends OnOffDevice {
def on = println("heater.on")
def off = println("")
trait SensorDeviceComponentImpl extends SensorDeviceComponent {
class PotSensor extends SensorDevice {
def isCoffeePresent = true
// =======================
// service declaring two dependencies that it wants injected
trait WarmerComponentImpl {
this: SensorDeviceComponent with OnOffDeviceComponent =>
// Note: Warmer's orientation is injected by constructor.
// In the original Cake some mixed-in val/def would be used
class Warmer(rightSide: Boolean) {
def isRightSide = rightSide
def trigger = {
if (sensor.isCoffeePresent) onOff.on
// =======================
// instantiate the services in a module
object ComponentRegistry extends
OnOffDeviceComponentImpl with
SensorDeviceComponentImpl with
WarmerComponentImpl {
val onOff = new Heater
val sensor = new PotSensor
// Note: now we need to parametrize each particular Warmer
// with its desired orientation
val leftWarmer = new Warmer(rightSide = false)
val rightWarmer = new Warmer(rightSide = true)
// =======================
val leftWarmer = ComponentRegistry.leftWarmer