I wrote a PHP extension to access functions in a static lib, I built PHP as a CGI, and everything seemed to work (after days of working on it..)
Thrilled once everything worked, I re-compiled PHP without debugging messages I had in it. (php_printf("here111");
.... php_printf("sending arguments...");
Then, it just stopped working. The function I'm calling in the static lib works, I've tested it by calling it directly from another executable.
I built PHP with debugging symbols (--enable-debug
) and can debug it to a certain degree in gdb.
I'm still struggling to figure out what's wrong. It seems that the function in the lib (diffFst
) cannot seem to read the input arguments.
268 if (zend_parse_parameters(ZEND_NUM_ARGS() TSRMLS_CC, "ssssssd",
269 &filA, &filA_len,
270 &nomvarA, &nomvarA_len,
271 &filB, &filB_len,
272 &nomvarB, &nomvarB_len,
273 &filO, &filO_len,
274 &newnomvar, &newnomvar_len,
275 &mult
276 ) == FAILURE) {
277 RETURN_LONG(-100);
278 }
280 php_printf("Read arguments:\nfilA: %s, nomvara: %s\nfilB: %s, nomvarB: %s\nfilO: %s, nomvarO: %s\nMult: %0.3f\n",
281 filA,nomvarA, filB,nomvarB, filO,newnomvar, mult);
285 ier = difffst_(filA,nomvarA, filB,nomvarB, filO,newnomvar, mult);
When I call this function, the php_printf()
statement works and prints out the right values. When I let it call the difffst_ function however, I get a segfault when it tries to read the input variables.
The diffFst function is written in fortran:
5 function diffFst(filA, nomvara, filB, nomvarb, filO, newnomvar, change, write_tictac, in_verbose) result(ier)
10 implicit none
12 character (len=*), intent(IN) :: filA, filB, filO
13 character (len=*), intent(IN) :: nomvara, nomvarb, newnomvar
16 real, intent(IN) :: change
17 logical, intent(IN) :: write_tictac
19 logical, intent(IN), optional :: in_verbose
21 logical :: verbose = .false.
27 integer :: ier
117 ier = fstouv(iuna, 'RND')
118 IF (ier < 0) THEN
119 if (verbose) write(stderr,'(2A)') "Could not fstouv FST file ", trim(filA)
120 ELSE
121 nmax = fstnbr(iuna);
122 if (verbose) write(stdout,'(3A,I6,A)') "Succesfully opened ", trim(filA), ' with ', nmax, ' records'
123 allocate(liste(nmax))
124 END IF
Specifically, it fails at line 122 (according to the debugger) when it tries to read filA
I have no idea why, I've tried:
- Making the function a subroutine
- Making the function a fortran function
- Making the function a 'pure' function
- Having return values (that's what is there now, the
ier = ..
) - Having
statements in the code, removing thereturn
statements - Tried printing things out to stdout, and to log files
It just seems like the data isn't being passed properly. Even in the debugger, I can't read the arguments.
The frustrating thing is, at one point this just worked.. I've checked file permissions, checked paths, etc.. And I can run the function from a fortran wrapper executable just fine.
Is there a trick I'm missing?
make clean
'ed, re-built.. etc. – Hillmancharacter (len=*)
, C is passing a pointer and fortran can't read it. Working on a solution, will post as soon as I can get it working. – Hillman