The difficulty arises because the common method of replacing a nonterminal on the stack with the rhs of its matched-rule effectively forgets the grammatical structure at the moment it's predicted. But to generate an AST you need that structure later when a rule-parse is completed.
Rather than replacing a nonterminal with the rhs symbols of its matching rule, leave it in place and push the matched symbols as a list object. This way the stack retains the hierarchial structure of the grammar.
Parsing consumes symbols in the topmost list. The exhaustion of a list corresponds to the completion of a rule. A nonterminal is removed from the stack when its rule is completed, not when it is predicted.
As the stack is consumed, build a corollary AST structure that remembers the relevant rule and stores the parsed tokens. Thus the stack acts like a predicted AST that flows into the parsed AST.
You can think of this as emulating the call hierarchy of a recursive-descent parser with the stack of symbol-lists as a stack of call-frames.
In ruby:
# g is the grammar; a list of rules
# s is a terminal sequence to parse
# note, this code does not tokenize EOF
def parse(g, s)
tab = gen_table(g)
stack = [[g.start_sym]]
# intermediate ast node format: [rule-action, symbols...]
ast = [[->(rhs){[:_S, rhs[0]]}]]
loop do
puts "PARSE\n #{s}\n #{stack}\n #{ast}"
if stack.first.empty?
raise "extraneous input" if not s.empty?
if stack.last.empty? # rule complete
node = ast.pop
# transform the node (eg to a class) using the associated rule-action
node = node.first.(node.drop(1))
stack.last.shift # rm sym from stack after completing it
raise "incomplete input" if s.empty?
tok = s.first
topsym = stack.last.first
if topsym.is_a? String # terminal
raise "mismatch #{tok} != #{topsym}" if tok != topsym
elsif topsym.is_a? Symbol # nonterminal
ri = tab[topsym][tok]
raise "no rule for #{topsym}, #{tok}" if ri.nil?
node = ast.first