I want to use Jackson 2.3.3 for Deserialization/Serialization of directed graphs. The structure I came up with is roughly the following:
public Class Graph {
private final Set<Node> nodes;
public Graph(Set<Node> nodes) { ... }
public Set<Node> getNodes() { ... }
generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class,
property = "name")
public Class Node {
private final String name;
private final Set<Edge> edges;
public Node(String name, Set<Edge> edges) { ... }
public String getName() { ... }
public Set<Edge> getEdges() { ... }
generator = ObjectIdGenerators.PropertyGenerator.class,
property = "name")
public Class Edge {
private final String name;
private final Node successor;
public Edge(String name, Node successor) { ... }
public String getName() { ... }
public Node getSuccessor() { ... }
And I expect to have this JSON-Structure:
"graph": [{
"name": "A",
"edges": [{
"name": "0",
"successor": "B"
}, {
"name": "1",
"successor": "A"
}, {
"name": "B",
"edges": [{
"name": "0",
"successor": "A"
}, {
"name": "1",
"successor": "B"
But I get the following error while deserialization (even with annotation @JsonProperty("name")
at the Getters):
com.fasterxml.jackson.databind.JsonMappingException: Invalid Object Id definition for some.package.graph.Node: can not find property with name 'name'
I have found some solutions for Jackson 1.6 with Back-Reference Annotations, but I'd like to use the new Jackson 2.x Annotation, as it was advertised so much in the API Update from 1.9 to 2.0 of Jackson.
What point am I missing here? Thanks for constructive answers in advance.
(Removed my answer from here to the Answer section)