OK so it seems that DrawTextOnPath is a little broken now with font sizes below 1.0f
The solution is to scale everything up, draw the text then shrink it back down.
The drawTitle method in the demo project would change from this:
private void drawTitle(Canvas canvas) {
canvas.drawTextOnPath(upperTitle, upperTitlePath, 0.0f, 0.02f, unitPaint);
canvas.drawTextOnPath(lowerTitle, lowerTitlePath, 0.0f, 0.0f, unitPaint);
canvas.drawTextOnPath(unitTitle, unitPath, 0.0f, 0.0f, unitPaint);
to this:
private void drawTitle(Canvas canvas) {
//Save original font size
float originalTextSize = unitPaint.getTextSize();
// set a magnification factor
final float magnifier = 100f;
// Scale the canvas
canvas.scale(1f / magnifier, 1f / magnifier);
// create new rects and paths based on the new scale
unitRect = new RectF();
unitRect.set((faceRect.left + unitPosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.top + unitPosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.right - unitPosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.bottom - unitPosition) * magnifier);
unitPath = new Path();
unitPath.addArc(unitRect, 180.0f, 180.0f);
titleRect = new RectF();
titleRect.set((faceRect.left + titlePosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.top + titlePosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.right - titlePosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.bottom - titlePosition) * magnifier);
upperTitlePath = new Path();
upperTitlePath.addArc(titleRect, 180.0f, 180.0f);
titleRect = new RectF();
titleRect.set((faceRect.left + titlePosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.top + titlePosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.right - titlePosition) * magnifier, (faceRect.bottom - titlePosition) * magnifier);
lowerTitlePath = new Path();
lowerTitlePath.addArc(titleRect, -180.0f, -180.0f);
// increase the font size
unitPaint.setTextSize(originalTextSize * magnifier);
// do the drawing of the text
canvas.drawTextOnPath(unitTitle, unitPath, 0.0f, 0.0f, unitPaint);
canvas.drawTextOnPath(upperTitle, upperTitlePath, 0.0f, 0.02f, unitPaint);
canvas.drawTextOnPath(lowerTitle, lowerTitlePath, 0.0f, 0.0f, unitPaint);
// bring everything back to normal
canvas.drawPath(unitPath, unitPaint);