I installed last month the Facebook plugin for Cordova. Last week I implemented the showDialog to let people invite their friends to the app using "apprequests" method. It worked when I tried with two friends, they got the invites.
Today, trying again, everything works fine - except that the people I invite never get any notification.
Here is the code of the call (using NGCordova's wrapper) :
$cordovaFacebook.showDialog({ method: "apprequests", message: "Come on man, check out my application." })
.then(function(success) {
console.log("success", success);
// success
}, function (error) {
console.log("error", error);
// error
The console shows success :
success Object {to: Array[3], request: "id_of_request"}
request: "id_of_request"
to: Array[3]
0: "user_id_1"
1: "user_id_2"
2: "user_id_3"
length: 3
The user ids were good also. But no notifications for them on their Facebook account.
What I tried so far :
- Reinstalling Facebook plugin
- Create another Facebook app and use its credentials instead
- Installing the latest version of NGCordova (unlikely to help, is simply a wrapper...)
- Using other methods, like "feed", and post to my wall - it works.
Taking NGCordova out of the picture, using basic function behave the same :
facebookConnectPlugin.showDialog({ method: "apprequests", message: "Come on man, check out my application." }, function(success) {
}, function(error) {
This triggers success as well and still no notifications.
Thanks ahead for any help, I think I'm out of ideas...