I start and have running a Scala process.
val dir = "/path/to/working/dir/"
val stockfish = Process(Seq("wine", dir + "stockfish_8_x32.exe"))
val logger = ProcessLogger(printf("Stdout: %s%n", _))
val stockfishProcess = stockfish.run(logger, connectInput = true)
The process reads from and writes to standard IO (console). How can I send a string command to the process if it's been already started?
Scala process API has ProcessBuilder which has in turn bunch of useful methods. But ProcessBuilder is used before a process starts to compose complex shell commands. Also Scala has ProcessIO to handle input or output. I don't need it too. I just need to send message to my process.
In Java I would do something like this.
String dir = "/path/to/working/dir/";
ProcessBuilder builder = new ProcessBuilder("wine", dir + "stockfish_8_x32.exe");
Process process = builder.start();
OutputStream stdin = process.getOutputStream();
InputStream stdout = process.getInputStream();
BufferedReader reader = new BufferedReader(new InputStreamReader(stdout));
BufferedWriter writer = new BufferedWriter(new OutputStreamWriter(stdin));
new Thread(() -> {
try {
String line;
while ((line = reader.readLine()) != null) {
System.out.println("Stdout: " + line);
} catch (IOException e) {
Thread.sleep(5000); // it's just for example
writer.write("quit"); // send to the process command to stop working
It works quite well. I start my process, get InputStream and OutputStream from it, and use the streams to interact with the process.
It appears Scala Process trait provides no ways to write to it. ProcessBuilder is useless after process run. And ProcessIO is just for IO catching and handling.
Are there any ways to write to Scala running process?
I don't see how I may use ProcessIO to pass a string to running process. I did the following.
import scala.io.Source
import scala.sys.process._
object Sample extends App {
def out = (output: java.io.OutputStream) => {
def in = (input: java.io.InputStream) => {
println("Stdout: " + Source.fromInputStream(input).mkString)
def go = {
val dir = "/path/to/working/dir/"
val stockfishSeq = Seq("wine", dir + "/stockfish_8_x32.exe")
val pio = new ProcessIO(out, in, err => {})
val stockfish = Process(stockfishSeq)
pio.writeInput(System.out) // "writeInput" is function "out" which I have passed to conforming ProcessIO instance. I can invoke it from here. It takes OutputStream but where can I obtain it? Here I just pass System.out for example.
Of course it does not work and I failed to understand how to implement functionality as in my Java snippet above. It would be great to have advice or snippet of Scala code clearing my issue.