I have a recyclerView. One of
recyclerView items has an onClick
method. In this method, I setVisibility
for one Item to Visible(default is gone), also get the position and add it to an arrayList
onClick :
public void onClickImageView(ImageView imageView, int position) {
Before i go to another activity, I want to the ImageView
visibility be reset to default (gone) so I use an interface to send positionArrayList to the recyclerView
activity to get views by position and reset ImageView
s to default.
Interface :
public interface RecyclerViewMainActivityImp {
void resetImageViewToDefault(ArrayList<Integer> positionArrayList);
Where I use interface method in adapter :
public void OnClickNextActivity() {
Intent intent = new Intent();
intent.setClass(context, ClassActivity.class);
Activity :
public void resetImageViewToDefault(ArrayList<Integer> positionArrayList) {
for (int position = 0; position < positionArrayList.size(); position++) {
View row = binding.recyclerView.getLayoutManager().findViewByPosition(positionArrayList.get(position));
ImageView imageView = row.findViewById(R.id.imageView);
When i scroll the recyclerView
, and if some items are not in view anymore their views going to null so some positions in positionArrayList no longer have their view.
My problem is some views are null after scrolling and I don't know how to get access to them.
I searched on google and found some solutions but I could not solve my problem
Note : I have used data binding