Vscode is not showing fatal erros in vscode. It is only highlighting warnings in the code. Example:
I have vscode running flake8 from a virtualenv with python 2.7. The settings is as following:
"python.linting.flake8Enabled": true,
I'm comparing the results from vscode "problems" window with the results of running flake8 directly from the command line.
def foo(bar):
o += 1
When I run flake8 from the command line on the code above, I get all linting errors and warnings,
> flake8 python/mock.py
python/mock.py:4:5: F821 undefined name 'o'
python/mock.py:4:5: F841 local variable 'o' is assigned to but never used
python/mock.py:5:1: W293 blank line contains whitespace
while when I lint this code in vscode, I only getting the warnings.
blank line contains whitespace flake8(W293) [5,1]
Am I missing something in the configuration? Is there a way to check how flake8 is being called by vscode?