I am using xhtml2pdf
to generate PDFs in my Django View. The idea is to loop over all the instances that are there in the query, then for each instance create a PDF, then add all the generated PDFs to one zip File for download. The xtml2pdf
logic is working okay but the looping logic is what gives me headache.
So this is my function so far:
def bulk_cover_letter(request, ward_id, school_cat_id, cheque_number):
school_type = SchoolType.objects.get(id=school_cat_id)
schools_in_school_type = Applicant.objects.filter(
school_type=school_type, ward_id=ward_id, award_status='awarded'
).order_by().values_list('school_name', flat=True).distinct()
for school in schools_in_school_type:
beneficiaries = Applicant.objects.filter(school_type=school_type, ward_id=ward_id, award_status='awarded', school_name=school)
total_amount_to_beneficiaries = Applicant.objects.filter(school_type=school_type, ward_id=ward_id, award_status='awarded', school_name=school).aggregate(total=Sum('school_type__amount_allocated'))
context = {
'school_name' : school,
'beneficiaries' : beneficiaries,
'total_amount_to_beneficiaries' : total_amount_to_beneficiaries,
'title' : school + ' Disbursement Details',
'cheque_number': cheque_number
response = HttpResponse('<title>Cover Letter</title>', content_type='application/pdf')
filename = "%s.pdf" %(cheque_number)
content = "inline; filename=%s" %(filename)
response['Content-Disposition'] = content
template = get_template('cover_letter.html')
html = template.render(context)
result = io.BytesIO()
pdf = pisa.CreatePDF(
html, dest=response, link_callback=link_callback)
if not pdf.error:
# At this point I can generate a single PDF.
# But no idea on what to do next.
# The zipping logic should follow here after looping all the instances - (schools)
From that Point I have no idea on what to do next. Any help will be highly appreciated.
from aBytesIO
object that you can write the PDFs to directly I think without the need for a tempfile – Enenstein