I'm trying to integrate the pydev, pyqt, python and eclipse. Now the code can be runing without error. And I know to make the GUI in Qt Designer. and then modified it in Eclipse.
Now I want to integrate the Qt Designer of PyQt to Eclipse. Just like the Qt Eclipse Integration for C++. Use PyQt Designer in Eclipse. Can anybody teach me how to do it? Thanks very much!
BTW, I'm try to set the preference of qt project in Eclipse.
But when I add new qt version.I didn't know how to borrow the bin path. Because there is no bin path in PyQt.And also didn't have qmake,uic,rcc etc. the version name that I typed is PyQt-Py2.7-x64-gpl-4.8.5-1.exe. I borrow the include path like C:\python27\Lib\site-packages\PyQt4\Sib\PyQt4.
my OS is win7. Thanks for your answers! God bless you!