I'm trying to implement view tests for a Coffeescript implementation of the ubiquitous backbone.js 'todo' example (see github.com/rsim/backbone_coffeescript_demo.)
My jasmine tests of the above demo work pretty well, except for view events. I expect I am stuck on one or both of the following i) I do not understand the event binding in the view code, ii) I do not understand how to properly set up the Jasmine test of the view code events.
Here is an example of the 'edit' event...
class TodoApp.TodoView extends Backbone.View
tagName: "li"
template: TodoApp.template '#item-template'
"dblclick div.todo-content" : "edit"
initialize: ->
_.bindAll this, 'render', 'close'
@model.bind 'change', @render
@model.bind 'destroy', => @remove()
render: ->
$(@el).html @template @model.toJSON()
edit: ->
$(@el).addClass "editing"
...now here's a test of whether focus was gained upon double clicking:
describe "edit state", ->
li = null
beforeEach ->
setFixtures('<ul id="todo-list"></ul>')
model = new Backbone.Model id: 1, content: todoValue, done: false
view = new TodoApp.TodoView model: model, template: readFixtures("_item_template.html")
li = $('ul#todo-list li:first')
target = li.find('div.todo-content')
target.trigger('dblclick') # here's the event!
it "input takes focus", ->
The expectation on neither i) the spy nor ii) the focus is met.
Is there a peculiarity to testing backbone.js event code about which I should be aware in Jasmine?