Possible Duplicate:
C++ HTML template framework, templatizing library, HTML generator library
I have a program, that contains many tables, so I want to track them in log files when I debug the program. I want colored, formatted output so I thought I wrote it in HTML format. So what is the best way to create HTML files in C++?
The trivial way is so disgusting and error prone:
std::stringstream ret;
ret << "<TABLE BORDER=\"1\" CELLBORDER=\"0\">\n";
ret << " <TR>\n";
So I thought I wrote a HTML wrapper but I think there are so many for this reason.
I want a statically typed HTML wrapper in C++ with this syntax or similar:
CHtmlHtml Html;
Html <<
Body() % Id("1")
<< H1("My First Heading") <<
<< P("My first paragraph.");
or in this case
CHtmlTable table;
table % Border(1) % CellBorder(0) <<
Tr() <<
Td("Text") % Colspan(4);
Is there any similar project?