We are running a liferay portal on tomcat 6. Each portlet is a contained web application so it includes all libraries the portlet itself requires. We currently have 30+ portlets. The result of this is that the permgen of our tomcat increases with each portlet we deploy.
We now have two paths we can follow. Either move some of the libraries which are commenly used by each of our portlets to the tomcat shared library. This would include stuff like spring/hibernate/cxf/.... to decrease our permgen size Or easier would be to increase the permgen size.
This second option would allow us to keep every portlet as a selfcontained entity.
The question now is, is there any negative performance impact from increasing the permgen size? We are currently running at 512MB. I have found little to no information about this. But found some post were people are talking about running on 1024MB permgen size without issues.