I want record screen (by capturing 15 screenshots per second). This part I know how to do. But I don't know how to write this to some popular video format. Best option which I found is write frames to separated PNG files and use commandline Mencoder which can convert them to many output formats. But maybe someone have another idea?
- Must be multi-platform solutions (I'm using Free Pascal / Lazarus). Windows, Linux, MacOS
- Exists some librarys for that?
- Could be complex commandline application which record screen for me too, but I must have possibility to edit frames before converting whole raw data to popular video format
- All materials which could give me some idea are appreciated. API, librarys, anything even in other languages than FPC (I would try rewrite it or find some equivalent)
- I considered also writting frames to video RAW format and then use Mencoder (he can handle it) or other solution, but can't find any API/doc for video RAW data