I know this is an old thread, but I'm gonna out it here anyways :)
To make PKRevealController work with storyboard basically you'll need three view controllers.
BaseController (i called it that), which get extended by the PKRevealController how's going to act as the base for the Main content controller and Navigation controller.
MainController, which get set as the fronViewController.
NaviController, which we basically use as the leftViewController, aka navigation menu.
FYI: You can design and code the MainController and NaviController from the stroyboard.
So this is how we do it;
First we need to extend our BaseController with PKRevealController like this;
@interface MainController : PKRevealController
Second, still in BaseController, add these line to the viewDidLoad method;
//init the fonrViewController
UIViewController *homeController = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"homeScreen"];
//init the leftViewController
UIViewController *naviContrlller = [self.storyboard instantiateViewControllerWithIdentifier:@"quickNaviScreen"];
[self setFrontViewController:homeController];
[self setLeftViewController:naviContrlller];
Then set the PKRevealController delegate as;
self.delegate = self;
And that's it.