I'm having a lot of trouble with CF10's CFHTTP at the moment.
First, my test script:
<CFSET results = arraynew(1) />
<CFLOOP from="1" to="10" index="idx">
<CFSET timer_start = getTickCount() />
<CFHTTP url="https://www.google.de" method="get" result="test" />
<CFSET arrayappend(results, (getTickCount()-timer_start)/1000 & " s") />
<CFDUMP var="#results#" />
10 CFHTTP calls in a row, the time they take gets pushed to an array; that's all.
Results of our CF9 server:
Results of our CF10 server:
Results of our CF10 server with 5 sec delay between CFHTTP calls:
I already read on the forum and Shilpi's Blog that the reason could be that the Linux server runs out of entropy. I checked that with watch --interval=0.1 cat ...
while my test script ran but it never dropped far under 4k (with rngd already installed).
Does anybody has another idea what I could try to fix this problem? Using /dev/urandom seems to be an insecure hack to me; so that's not an option (since CF10 server is production machine).
Thanks guys!