I'm trying to figure out the best way to pass data through my routes. I know I can use params but there are certain types of data that don't belong in params.
For example: I have an index page that displays a list of applications. Each application has a button next to it which will route you to the view for that application.
I want to pass the application itself to the Application handler. However, it doesn't make sense to pass the entire application through params. Though it does make sense to pass the application identifier to params (i.e. :id or :name)
So the way I think I should be doing this is pass the application identifier to params, then in the Application component search my ApplicationStore for the appropriate application given the identifier.
Though, wouldn't it be easier and faster to pass the application itself? Is there a way to do this. Is there a reason not to do this?
Here is some code:
<Link to="showApplication" params={{name: application.name}}>View</Link>
<Link to="showApplication" params={{application: application}}>View</Link>
Thanks in advance!