I am using meteor to create simple blog system. For sitemaps files I'm using this package.
I added some initialize data in server startup function (create some post) and used below code (server/sitemaps.js) in server to create sitemaps for each category (e.g. sitemap1.xml for first category and etc):
function sitemapOutput(categoryName){
var out = [], posts = Posts.find({ category: categoryName }).fetch();
_.each(posts, function(post) {
page: post.url(),
lastmod: post.insertDate,
changefreq: 'weekly'
return out;
Categories.find().forEach(function(Category, index) {
sitemaps.add('/sitemap' + (index+1) +'.xml',
function(){ return sitemapOutput(Category.name); });
And I have startup like this: (server/startup.js)
Meteor.startup(function () {
// some post and category created here
But sitemaps didn't exist until server restart (my robots.txt files also empty) but when server restarted sitemaps and robots.txt content created for me.
I think posts inserted after sitemaps.js but what's the problem guys and how to fix that?
New try:
I try new solution like below but this code also didn't work. (I want to create seperate sitemap file for each 10000 category to prevent big sitemap and google sitemap error):
for (var i=0;i<=Math.round(Categories.find().count()/10000);i++) {
sitemaps.add('/sitemap' + i +'.xml', function(){
var out = [];
Categories.find({}, {sort: {insertDate: 1} ,limit: 10000, skip: i * 10000}).forEach(function(Category) {
page: "/category/" + Category.title + "/" + Category._id,
lastmod: Category.insertDate,
changefreq: 'weekly'
return out;
robots.txt show sitemap files correctly but all sitemap is empty like this:
<urlset> </urlset>
When does sitemaps.add() run? I think it does on server restart but New try was disappointed me and I think my guess is incorrect and If sitemaps.add() was run why it's empty.