I'm trying to do some symbolic matrix calculations with sympy. My goal is to obtain a symbolic representation of the result of some matrix computations. I've run into some problems which I have boiled down to this simple example, in which I try to evaluate the result of a exponentiating a specified matrix and multiplying it by an arbitrary vector.
>>> import sympy
>>> v = sympy.MatrixSymbol('v', 2, 1)
>>> Z = sympy.zeros(2, 2) # create 2x2 zero matrix
>>> I = sympy.exp(Z) # exponentiate zero matrix to get identity matrix
>>> I * v
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "<stdin>", line 1, in <module>
File "sympy/matrices/matrices.py", line 507, in __mul__
blst = B.T.tolist()
AttributeError: 'Transpose' object has no attribute 'tolist'
In contrast, if I directly create the identity matrix and then multiply it by v, then there is no problem:
>>> I_ = sympy.eye(2) # directly create the identity matrix
>>> I_ == I # check the two matrices are equal
>>> I_ * v
One thing that I've noted is that the two identity matrices are of different classes:
>>> I.__class__
>>> I_.__class__
I also found that calling the as_mutable()
method provided a work-around.
>>> I.as_mutable() * v
Is it always necessary to put as_mutable()
calls throughout one's linear algebra calculations? I'm guessing not, and that instead these errors suggest that I'm using the wrong strategy to solve my problem, but I can't figure out what the right strategy would be. Does anyone have any pointers?
I have read the documentation page on Immutable Matrices but I could still use some help understanding how their differences with standard mutable matrices are important here, and why some operations (e.g. sympy.exp) convert between these different classes.