I need to integrate Bitbucket with Jenkins. So that whenever a PR is opened it will trigger a build in Jenkins. Then commit status of the last commit in the PR will be updated as failed or success and this commit wont trigger the build again. (This works beautiful with Github but seems to be a nightmare for me with Bitbucket)
So far I did:
- Installed Bitbucket pull request builder plugin.
- Set everything up like its described in https://github.com/jenkinsci/bitbucket-pullrequest-builder-plugin#readme
- User has write permissions to the repository (we added shh pub key to organization and its in the group that has write permissions)
- Build is triggered over and over again for the same PR/commit
- Commit status is not updated on bitbucket
Let me know if I can provide more information.
? Is it something new or fake? Or a real domain to which a server will respond? – Collegiate