Enable Auto Completion of GIT commands on MAC-OS Mojave 10.14
I am a developer and use GIT from the command line all of the time. When I consider the development perspective, I used to execute a lot of commands using the command line for GIT operations. Most of the time it is very annoying that MAC OS doesn't have automatic support for the command completion which I partially support. as well as the command suggestions, which means what are the commands available for typed characters. So it is very troublesome to type very long command and mostly repetitive task as typo going wrong. :(
Tab completion would certainly be faster and easier. Unfortunately, the default installation of git on some Mac computers doesn't have tab completion enabled.
So that I was searching for a fix for the problem and there are several solutions found from the web search such as StackOverflow, GitHub as well as from the medium. Unfortunately, those solutions did not work for me and got frustrated with trying different solutions so many times.
I was searching deeply and trying out different solutions and fortunately, it is an easy fix. Below are the steps I have collected from several posts and finally it worked as expected. So I hope to share with others who have this problem like me.
f you go to the web search and you can find many solutions which mentioned the git completion bash file. Even GitHub guide as well. But I suggest you check first if the git-completion.bash file is already in your MAC computer with the git-core or something else which came from installation. you can use below command.
sudo find / -type f -name "git-completion.bash"
you will get below results. (may have some difference according to the content)
I suggest you to pick which installed from git-core
If the git-completion.bash script doesn't exist on your machine, please retrieve it from the below provided above and save it to your local machine in a new file called git-completion.bash in the /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ directory.
If you use the Bash shell, Git comes with a nice auto-completion script you can enable. Download it directly from the Git source code at
If the git-completion.bash script exists on your machine, but is not in the /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ directory, you should create that directory and copy the file into it. Below command will do the job:
sudo mkdir /opt/local/etc/bash_completion.d
sudo cp /Library/Developer/CommandLineTools/usr/share/git-core/git-completion.bash /usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/git-completion.bash
After the completion of above. The git-completion.bash script should exist on your local machine in the/usr/local/etc/bash_completion.d/ directory.
Now you need to refresh your profile using below command. It will load your added bash file to the terminal context.
source ~/.bash_profile
Great!!! you have done it. Just start the terminal window and try it. Just type "git sta" it will show suggestions as below:
git sta
stage stash status
git chec<TAB> will show git checkout
see my GitHub post here:
See my Medium post here:
are you using? – Chartistgit
completions work (git co<TAB>
==>git commit
, for example)? – Chartistzsh-completions
wasn't happy with the mac git, though it worked fine before (possibly updated blindly to 0.17.x). – Barye